Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 21, trying to camp at Tikal, Guatemala

This is a day of break-down in communication with the personnel at Tikal. We arrived at Tikal about 1:30 pm. We were told that if we purchase our ticket for Tikal that early we would have to buy another one the next day. Wait till 3:30 pm and that ticket is good for sunset tour and next full day. We agreed as we had all these vendors wanting to be our guides and sell us maps. We parked at the restaurant had a few cold drinks and waited, waited till the clock struck 3:30 pm. Oh Boy we can get into the park. As we approach the guard stated do you have any pets (mascotas) and of course we had Ms. Molly, oops no way could we get her into the park. We thought we could camp at the campground but Ms Molly couldn't go into the ruins as we had read in one of our books. Now we know that pets are not longer allowed to any of the ruins in any country. We found our place for the evening which was the very small Municipal Park in El Remate and we had to dry camp. Although they had excellent showers (cold water as usual) and bathrooms, so we couldn't complain. It was $8 a night and the people in the area were very nice. It seems like the animals have full roam of this community. There was a horse who would wonder around and eat grass and more small pigs then dogs like 2:1 and of course roosters (Al's favorite) which crowed at 5:30 a.m. at least more reasonable then Orange Walk. We were there for 2 days. The 2nd day we were surround by other campers who were curious when they saw us camped and decided they would do the same thing. One couple from Switzerland and the other was driving a vehicle from Vermont but the couple were from Australia which we are still trying to figure out how he got the SUV across Belize and Guatemala Borders.

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