Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 8 Rough Morning Continued....

Prior to leaving Puertecitos, Baja Calif, Al kept saying Ermila you have too much stuff and we're way overweight with this camper and truck. Then we had our little mishap on the exit ramp which had a low steel metal sign stating anything above this height cannot pass through here. A very nice gentleman waved us through and said yes you can make it. Well, that was what he thought because he didn't see that we had an A/C unit mounted to the top of the camper. We drove a few feet to the turn around and got off the road. Al and Jerry climbed to top of camper and knew that we would be less an a/c unit. I'm thinking okay Al we are now 50 lbs lighter then when we left. That was a fast way of getting rid of 50 lbs. You should've have seen Al and Jerry counting to 3 as they hoisted the a/c unit and threw it over the top and it hit the ground just as a Federal Police was driving by and he stopped. I had been picking up debris and piling off to the side. He got out of his car and started taking pictures. I told him I was getting ready to bag the junked A/C unit. He said "Don't Lie to me. I know you were just going to leave it in that area of the ground where it's piled up right now." Honest we were not going to leave it there. He continued to stand there and watch us. He said to me, I've been here long enough and I need to write a report. I should be giving you a citation." I'm thinking you're going to give me a ticket for Attempted Littering! This guy needs to take a trip to Puertecitos if he wants to see litter. Al flagged down a guy with small truck and he took all our debris and he was very helpful. The Federal Police stayed and then before we could leave a Municipal Police showed up but Federal Police told him he had everything under control. Before we left the officer told me that we should not litter here in Mexico because we certainly wouldn't do it in USA. He shook my hand and we left for the community so we could cover up the hole in the roof of camper. What an adventure and we were really happy that we weren't given that citation for Attempted Littering! Ermila

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